Romance Collection

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Wear That Shit Today

PORTER People dress as if no one can stop them. They aren't waiting for permission. They don't need an occasion. Every day of your life is an occasion to live loud. So don't wait. In fact if you're being true to yourself PORTER People, the universe is going to answer back with something amazing. SO don't wait. Wear that shit today. And shine on baby. SHINE.

Legacy Coats

A Vintage Journey

A letter from our fearless leader Katie Porter.

I read this opening blog post from Katie this morning before launching the site (quietly) and I cried. I'm not sure why. I think it's because in my line of work (fashion photographer and fashion marketer) I hear, on the regular, many negative connotations of beauty and self. Ranging from 'Oh I don't have any occasion to wear that amazing item' to 'I don't feel good in my body and therefore don't want to dress up'. I also see sheep. Herds copying each other to feel not alone or relevant (or whatever). It's distressing. It's a society dying basically. So to see a thought and fashion leader like Katie positively conversing about her journey through individualism, brought my tired mind to tears. Excited for everyone to read this and absorb her creative energy mindset that vintage is for everyone. Let's all dress equivalent to who we are, ORIGINALS. And not wait for an occasion to dress up. Wear that shit today and everyday. DON"T WAIT!

